(JLD) Does the word prostitutes mean something to you?
(AM) Yes. A prostitute is a lady who divorce with her
husband. Prostitute also is very bad among the Dinkas. When a lady makes
herself to be a prostitute it is not good. No one can marry her.
(JLD) Is she always a divorced person?
(AM) Yes. And when she made a prostitute way, no one can
marry her. If she go and stay at the house quietly someone will come and marry.
If the wife maker herself a prostitute lady, no one marry her. She just goes
and makes tea for sell in the market and sleeping under her tukel (Swahili word
for hut or house) and doing something what she like.
(JLD) Are there prostitutes in Akot?
(AM) Maybe. [1]
(with a laugh). All the villages, all the towns there are prostitutes. I don’t
know the number of them. I hope the town have no prostitutes. If it is a very
small town, prostitute may not stay there. Many of the prostitutes make some of
them, the tea, the beer, or alcohol, the tea… making food in the kitchen or in
the hotel[2],
that is their work.
(JLD) There are people who come to our clinic with diseases
that are transmitted by sex. How do you think they get it?
(AM) Some people they
get it from the wife. Many others they go and have sex with others. Many people
they go in the town and leave their homes they can mate with others. If another
women comes to the village and mix with the others, that is another way to get
(JLD) Have your heard of HIV/AIDS?
(AM)I heard about that and I don’t know way of it. I don’t
know the sign and symptom of it.[3] When
you marry and the wife have no children, you have the permission to marry.
You keep the first wife and home and you agree with her to
have marriage another wife. You do not send her back. You can treat her like the
way you treat the wife who having children. You give them two houses to let
that wife have her own children and the other her own children. If they (the
wives) have a good relationship, they can help each other. It is the way of the
(JLD) Once I met a woman whose child was dying of malaria.
She said she was so upset for fear that if another child died the husband’s
family would not let her back because .
(AM)It is difficult with another people. If you know God is
the one, the only (one to) have the power you can stay with your wife until God
bless you to have your own children.
[1] The entire market place in Akot is situated along a
single dirt road and is less than 100 meters long. Abraham was also born,
raised, and still lives in Akot. He spends a great deal of time in the market
socializing and drumming up membership in the local Baptist church. It seems,
therefore, highly unlikely that Abraham is actually unaware of who the
prostitutes are in such a small place.
[2] Hotels
in this area simply mean a stopping place where travelers, almost all men, are
allowed to put up their nets, sleep the night, and purchase food. They are not
in this area structures as one might think of in
Western cultures.
Western cultures.
[3] Abraham
has worked as a translator at many of our remote clinic sites. He almost
assuredly picked up this terminology during this work. He has no medical
training of his own and makes his living as an evangelist paid by US Southern
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